Your lawn has different maintenance needs in each season. When spring arrives, you will certainly benefit from these Essential Beginner Lawn Care Tips, since the lawn not only looks great during this period but also retains its appearance throughout.

Tune-up Your Mower
First at the beginning! Take the mower and let it tune in completely. Before mowing the lawn, it must be in good condition, otherwise, it will be difficult to lift it and cause serious damage to the lawn. Go and change the oil, filter and other parts of the engine that need special attention. The interchangeable blades will cause a longer mowing because they can not mow the lawn effectively, therefore, the blades of the mower should be sharpened. Do not panic if you do not know how to set up the equipment! You can always contact a lawn mower specialist for help. Although you will have to pay a small fee, you will most likely get a more efficient cutter in no time.


Remove Crabgrass and Other Weeds
Crabgrass and other weed species can grow in the spring, so check the entire lawn and remove it immediately before they begin to produce seeds and reproduce. You can draw them manually if you grow an organic garden or can rely on a herbicide control for a more convenient method. The faster you detect and eliminate weeds, the better because they will not be able to spread and destroy the grass.

If you only fertilize the lawn once a year, everything will be fine. However, you probably want to do something more than excellent and want to see your lawn. To do this, you must fertilize the lawn at least three or four times a year. Be sure to buy the right type of fertilizer for the type of grass on the lawn, for example, Bermuda. Also, do not forget to spread the fertilizer when it is completely dry, and then turn on the irrigation system so that the lawn absorbs nutrients from the fertilizer. Avoid using too much fertilizer in one place, as it can cause the fertilizer to burn.


This is the most crucial part of your lawn care. In the end, there are only two things that the grass should live; Water and sunlight. While Mother Nature has always provided many bright things, sometimes it is rare in wet material. As a general rule, to grow, the herb needs about an inch of water per week. This can be provided by rain, and the use of a rain sensor will help you determine the amount of additional irrigation you need. The best way to determine if watering the lawn is to look at the signs. If the grass disappears and your prints remain, then you know that your lawn needs water.


To get a blanket look, you have to cut the grass and often poison the grass. Cutting the grass at high altitudes often allows the grass to grow at a more stable rate and maintain a constant height and fullness. While there is a debate about bags cut with grass or on the lawn so that nutrients can return to the soil, if you feed your lawn properly for a year, you really do not have to abandon the cuttings. Even if it is beneficial, the appearance of dead brown grass is not beautiful when the surrounding lawn is pale green.

Rake the Lawn
Finally, make some rakes in the spring to get rid of the straw that is very dangerous for the grass. Even if you’ve already taken leaves, it’s the last thing you know, especially if you have a lawn that was built that way. Therefore, you should set aside the time to rake, not only to remove the leaves but also the straw.

Categories: lawn basics